Exam Question Paper

Class 3 EVS Session Ending Exam — Annual Exam Question Paper

Dear teachers and educators we are presenting Class 3 EVS Session Ending Exam paper in word and pdf format.You can download the word or PDF format and use it for final evaluation for this session.

Class 3 EVS Session Ending Exam

We are providing you Class 3 EVS Session Ending Exam in Word and Pdf format. Our question paper is prepared according to the latest pattern of CBSE .These question papers follows latest syllabus of NCERT.

Class 3 EVS Session Ending Exam

Class 3 EVS Exam Schedule and Syllabus

As per the instruction and guidelines from CBSE and KVS the syllabus is divided in two terms and exams are conducted four times in a session.Periodic Test -1 also known as PT-2 then followed by Half Yearly Exam also known as Mid-Term Exam.Then in term-2 Periodic test-2 is conducted also called PT-2.In the last of session Session Ending Exams are conducted which are also called Final Exam.

Class 3 EVS Exam Schedule ————- Updated Soon

Content We are providing-

  • Class 3 EVS Session Ending Exam -Word and PDF
  • Class 3 EVS Session Ending Exam -Answer Key
  • Class 3 EVS Session Ending Exam -Blueprint
  • Class 3 EVS Session Ending Exam -Question Bank

Class 3 EVS Session Ending Exam -Question Bank


CLASS- III                 QUESTION BANK   TERM-END  II     SUB – E V S

                                       OBSERVATION AND REPORTING

                                             V S A ( very short answer )

Q.No.1 Observe the pictures and write their name.

1.        2.        3.           4.              _______                   ______________       _______________                  __________

5.         6           7              8      ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________________          ________________         ______________             __________

9       10       11.      12. _______________          _______________          __________________             ____________

                           13______________14       ___________           15         _______________         16       _______

  17       18                 19    20

           ___________                ______________             ___________                        __________

21           22        23        

         ________________                 ________________                 ________________

                                                                      S A  ( short answer )

Q.No 2 Answer the following.

i) Match the correct pair

Class 3 EVS Session Ending Exam -Question Bank

ii)Write the name of the game

     a) Fours and sixes if you get  ,                                                                                                                                   

          A   century is sure , I can bet.  ____________________

   b) On the board are squares black and white,

       There’s the king, the queen and the knight. _____________

   c) If you land on a snake, do not frown

       In this game you go up and down. ________________

iii)Observe the picture carefully and answer the following.

a.  i) What do we call this man ?   _____________               

     ii) What things he need to make a pot  ?  ________________________________

b .  i)Name the type of house.    ________________

ii) How is it different from our house ?



c.               i)  Name this animal ?   _____________                                                                                       

       ii) Why do we keep it ? ______________________

d.i.   Name the animal.   __________________

    ii)    What does it eat?    ____________________

e. i)Name the picture.___________________

  ii)       Which part of the plant is it? ___________________

iv. Encircle the odd one out.

a) Meat     Banana     Egg       Milk

b) Tomato      Onion          Fish      Potato

c) South        West              Map               East

d) Houseboat   Tent           Hut                Umbrella

e)Pea        Rajma       Cauliflower     Gram

f)Potato    Corn    Turnip   Onoin

v. Write any four sources of water.

A. ____________, ___________ , ______________ , __________

vi. Name any four food items which we get from plants.

A. . ____________, ___________ , ______________ , __________

vii. Write any 2 ways of saving water.



viii. Complete the food chain using the following .

                              Snake  , Eagle  , Frog  , Grasshopper

  i.   Grass 

 ii.Make another web of life  ………..

iii .Complete this food chain                                 




ix. Name any four landmarks that you see in your way from home to school.

     ____________,_________  , _____________ , ____________

    x.How can you reuse water ? Suggest two simple ways.


xi.Name  any two type of temporary houses .

      _________________       _________________

xii.  Write the name of these games . How many players are needed to play these games?

                                                     L    A  ( long answer )——Class 3 EVS Session Ending Exam -Question Bank

Q.No 3   i)  a) Name this script . __________                                          

b) Write 4 sentences on Braille script.

ii. Observe the given picture carefully and choose the right basket for each item.

iii) Observe the map carefully and answer the following questions.      

a. How many hand pumps are there in the map?    Ans:_______________

b. How many trees are there in the   map?    Ans:_______________

c. How many houses are there in the map?

Ans :_________

d. What is near to the shop?

Ans: _______________

e. How many shops are there ?  __________

f. How many hand pumps are there ? ______

g. Is the bus stop closer to the school or to the hospital? Ans : _______________

iv) Look at the picture carefully and answer the questions

  1. Name this means of communication.


  b)Who has written this letter?


c)To whom has it been written?


d) What is the PIN written on the postcard? __________________________________

e) Write the address written on the postcard .

v)The names of some food item are given below. Add some more names to the list.

i. Honey             turmeric                  fish                     ___________

ii. Corn                milk                        lemon                 ___________

iii. Spinach           potato                    ajwain                 ___________

iv. Egg                  meat                      banana               ___________

v. Tomato            onion                      meat                  ____________   

vi) Which of these places and things will she find on her right and which places on her left?

On her leftOn her right

vii) Given below are pictures of some objects used in different games. Name the games in which these are used.

viii. See the picture of Ruchira and draw :-

a) Book behind the Ruchira   b)Tree on left side of Ruchira   c) A tree in front of the Ruchira

 d) Where is Ruchira sitting?  ________                  e) Animal on Ruchira’s  right      

ix. Look at the pictures of different houses and write where do you find them. Also write the material used to build it.

HouseFound inMaterial used to make it
Tall Building
Mud House
Stone House
Wooden House

x. Draw , colour  and name

i. 2 root vegetables     ii. 2 stems that we eat   iii. Any one leafy vegetable


                          C 2                   IDENTIFICATION AND CLASSIFICATION ————————- Class 3 EVS Session Ending Exam -Question Bank

                                                                      V S A  ( very short answer )

Q.No 1 Fill in the blanks

1. Houses on stilts are found in  ___________

2. We get ____________ from honeybees.

3. The blind use a _____________ stick when they go out.

4. We get salt from ________.

5. We feel ____________ in our family .

6. Water collected in tanka is mostly used for _________

7. Early man made ________ pots for storing different things.

8. _______________  is used to dig the clay from clay-pit.

9. Ludo  is an _________ game.

10. Potato is the  food item that we get from  __________.

11. Pots are baked in ______

12. In olden days letters were sent by   __________

13The person who  make earthen pots is called ____________.

14.We take __________ when we have a toothache.

15. ___________________ is the national game .

16._____________ is called the ship of desert .

17.The sense organ which helps us smell is  ____________.

18. We wear ____________ clothes in summer season .

19. The blind use a ___________ stick when they go out .

20. _____________ is the main source of water.

21There are _________ players in cricket.

22.__________________ script is read by  running the fingers on the raised dots.

23.A __________ is a place where we live safely.

24.The sun rises in the _________ and sets in the ________.

25._____________ is the model of the Earth.

26. A rough sketch or picture of a place is called a __________.

27.  ___________________ is called the father of Braille script.

28 . Meat and milk  is the food item that we get from ___________.

29.We get __________ from silkworm.

30.We get __________ from sheep

                                                  S A    ( short answer )

Q.No. 2 Answer the following. —–Class 3 EVS Session Ending Exam -Question Bank

1. How do people send letters in olden days?


2. Who looks after Tara? How? A.__________________________________________________________

3. Who all there in Sara’s family? A.__________________________________________________________

4. Write six living things. A.__________________________________________________________

5. Write  six non-living things

Ans ____________________________________________________

6. i) Name the game.     Ans   _______________

ii) What type of game is it?

Ans ________________(indoor/outdoor)   

7 i. Name the type of house  Ans _________                                  

  ii) What type of house is this ?

 Ans ______________________ ( Temporary house / Permanent house )                                                                                                        

8.Name 2 animals

 i) that you cannot touch.______________________                                

ii) that you have touched  ______________________

iii)that you can touch _________________________

iv) that you have fed  __________________________

v) Pet animals _______________________

vi) Load carrying animals ____________________________

vii ) Milk giving animals _____________________________

9. Classify the following into Natural things and Man made things

 (   Sunlight ,  House ,  Pen ,   Air , Water , Wind , Table , Chair , Soil , Stone , Car , Box   )

Natural thingsMan made things

 10 . Write true or false

  1. Water can be reused  and recycled. __________
  2. We get cotton from sheep ___________
  3. Plants and animals are living things . _____________
  4. Rain water harvesting is the technique of storing water. ________
  5. The family members love each other very much _______________
  6. Lion is a pet animal that we keep in our house. ___________
  7. Rain is the main source of water . ________
  8. Letters are stamped in the Postoffice. __________
  9. Blind people have strong smelling and hearing senses. ______________

11.Encircle  the correct  type of family of-

  i) Tara –   Joint family  / Single parent family

 ii) Sitamma – Joint family  / Single parent family

12. Classify the following into indoor and out door games

(Ludo , Cricket , Hockey , Badminton ,Chess , Playing cards , Football , Kho kho , Volleyball )


15. Name any two food items that we get from animals and plants.


16.    Match the correct answer —— Class 3 EVS Session Ending Exam -Question Bank

             1.                                  i   No U turn                         _____

           2.                                ii   No smoking                 _____

           3.                                       iii  No Parking                     _____

           4.                                        iv  No Horn                      _____

17.i. Identify the type of house   ____________________  

 ii. Where is this type of house found in  India  _________ 

                                          L A        ( long answer )

Q.No 3. i.Who eats what? Match by drawing line of different colours. One example is shown.

Human being
MosquitoAnd other insects

ii. Classify the following animals based on what they eat

(Cow, Tiger, Wolf , Deer, Elephant , Hyena , Goat , Zebra , Leopard, Lion Girraffe , Dog,Buffalo)


iii.The names of some food item are given below.Draw a green circle around those items that we get from plants and draw a red square around those items that we get from animals.

     Honey             turmeric                  fish                Corn                milk                lemon           

    Spinach           potato                    ajwain            Egg                  meat              banana       

Tomato        onion                      meat              Honey        Apple               Garlic      

iv. Circle any 5 names of water container and write their name below


V. Write  any 5 differences between living things and non-living things .

Living thingsNon-living things

                                      C 3    DISCOVERY OF FACTS          

                                             V S A    ( VERY SHORT ANSWER)—–Class 3 EVS Session Ending Exam -Question Bank

Q.No.1 Tick the correct answer.

a) The sun rises in the East  / West.

b) Globe / Map is the model of the Earth.

c) Water , wind , and soil are Living / Non-living things .

     d)  We wear cotton clothes in Winter / Summer season.

e) Kho-Kho  / Football can be played without ball.

f)  We get milk from cow / Sheep.

g) We  shouldn’t   Waste / Save even a single drop of water.

h) We eat flowers / leaves of cabbage plant.

i) Letters are sorted in the police station / post office .

j) A veterinary doctor treats   Human / Animals .

k.Igloos are made up of Wood / Snow

     l) We get sugar from  plants /animals

   m) Pots are baked in kiln / sun.

  n) We inculcate team-spirit /Hatred by playing games.

o) Braille script is based on 8 /6 points

                                        S  A   ( short answer )

Q.No 2.i) Which of the following is the unstitched dress. Underline it.

      Frock            Dupatta            Shirt           Saree        Trousers      Shawl         Lehenga

      Skirt          Turban              Scarf          Shorts       Lungi         T  Shirt        Pyjama

ii) Write any four features of living things.



iii. What type of clothes do you wear in summer?


iv. Draw your family tree

v. Write the names of sources of the given food items.

a) Potato – __________________                     b) Meat – ______________

c) Tomato – _____________________________      d) fish – ______________________

vi. Name the materials that are needed to build a house.


vii. Beside drinking how is water used in your house?


viii.From which animals do we get the following?


ix.Write your full home address in the Post card given below:

x.What is a map ?


xi. Why do we need a house ?


xii. Why should we play ?


xiii.  Write the names of  any four means of sending messages.

______________________                          ________________________

______________________                          ________________________

xiv. How do family members enjoy ?


xv . Draw a Post Box and Colour it.

xvi. Write a slogan on “ Save  Water” and colour it.

                                                    L   A       ( long answer )                       

Q.No 3  i) Name the medicinal plants used for curing-

a) Cough and cold = __________                    

     b) Toothache = ______________

c) Stomachache = _____________

d) Wound = ____________

e) Skin diseases = _____________

ii. Name any four natural things needed by.

1. A Bird:-___________,___________,___________,___________

2. A Lion:-___________,___________,___________,___________

3. A Plant:-___________,___________,___________,___________

4. A Man:-___________,___________,___________,___________

5. A Squirrel:-___________,___________,___________,___________

iii.Write the names of things required to play the following games.

Cricket-         _________________________________________________

Carrom-        _________________________________________________

            Badminton – ___________________________________________________

            Table tennis – __________________________________________________

            Hockey – ________________________________________________________

iv)  Arrange  and  write  the process of making pot .

1. Drying the pot in the sun and baking in the kiln. 

2. Digging, Drying and sieving the clay .

 3. Placing clay dough on potter’s wheel to shape the pot.

4. Mixing water to make   clay dough.

5. Decorating the pot with colour.

Ans 1._____________________________________________________________

      2. _______________________________________________________________


      4. _______________________________________________________________

      5. _______________________________________________________________

v) Why do we keep animals?

Name of the animalWhy do we keep animal

vi. Write the difference between joint family and nuclear family:

Joint family Nuclear family

vii. Draw any 5 types of pots and colour them. Also write their names and their use.

viii. Write the names of games which are played with a ball and which are played without ball.


ix. Write the names of living natural things and non-living natural things

living natural things ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
non-living natural things __________________________________________________________________________________________

x.Given here are the names of some games. Draw  for Indoor games and  for outdoor games. Also write the players and the material required to play the games.

Name of the game/Number of playersThings required
Lawn Tennis

Class 3 Session Ending Exam



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