Exam Question Paper

Download Class 3 Maths Annual Exam Question Paper

Dear teachers and educators we are presenting Class 3 Maths Annual Exam Question paper in word and pdf format.You can download the word or PDF format and use it for final evaluation for this session.

Class 3 Maths Annual Exam

We are providing you Class 3 Maths Annual Exam- Session Ending Exam in Word and Pdf format. Our question paper is prepared according to the latest pattern of CBSE .These question papers follows latest syllabus of NCERT.

Class 3 Maths Exam Schedule and Syllabus

As per the instruction and guidelines from CBSE and KVS the syllabus is divided in two terms and exams are conducted four times in a session.Periodic Test -1 also known as PT-2 then followed by Half Yearly Exam also known as Mid-Term Exam.Then in term-2 Periodic test-2 is conducted also called PT-2.In the last of session Session Ending Exams are conducted which are also called Final Exam. OR Annual Exams.

Class 3 Maths Exam Schedule ————- Updated Soon

What we are providing in this post

  • Class 3 Maths Annual Exam -Word and PDF
  • Class 3 Maths Annual Exam -Answer Key
  • Class 3 Maths Annual Exam -Blueprint
  • Class 3Maths Annual Exam- Session Ending Exam -Question Bank

Class 3 Maths Annual Exam- Session Ending Exam -Question Bank

Class 3 Maths Annual Exam Session Ending Exam -Question Paper



 Subject: MATHS             Class : III______        Time: 2 hours 30 Min               Max. Marks: 80 Name:________________________ Roll No.: ______ Date: _______

KnowledgeUnderstandingAbility to ComputeProblem Solving AbilityTotal

     Invigilator Sign __________                                          Examiner Sign___________


Q.1)  Fill in the blanks.                                                                                                       1 X 10 = 10

  1. 1 KG = ___________ grams.
  2. 7+7+7+7= 7x _________.
  3. 1 dozen banana = ________ bananas.
  4. 50, 48, 46,____,_______.
  5. 20 ÷ 5 = ________.
  6. 6 rupees = ________ paise.
  7. 5×5 = ___________.
  8. 36 ÷ 1 = _________.
  9. We measure weight of an object in _________.
  10. Division is repeated ____________.

Q.2) Do as directed.                                                     2 x 5 = 10                                                               

 A) Find the number without counting.           

How many marbles?

___________ times ______ = _________ marbles.

B) Complete the number patterns.

a) 37, 47, 57,______,_______

b) 4A, 5B, 6C, ______,______

C) Find the odd numbers between 573 to 583.

   573, ____, ______,_______, ______ 583

D) Convert into litres and millilitres.

              1) 3610 ml = __________litre _______ml.

              2) 2 lit 764 ml = __________ml.

E) Write the multiplication facts of-

1) 21 ÷ 7 = _________

2) 90 ÷ 9 = _________


Q.1) Do as directed.                                                                                                                     1 x 6 = 6                          1) Extend the series.

 3 , 6 , 9 , ______, _____

2) Circle the even numbers.

  40,  75,   82, 99, 12,   34,  51

3)   ₨ 5 + ₨ 2 = _______rupees.

4)  63 x 0 = _______

5) Tick the heavier object

6) 2 litres  =________ ml.

Q.2) Answer the following.                                                                                               2 x 5 = 10

A) Decode the given secret message and write in the space given below.

1)               3W3H3E3R3E    3A3R3E    3Y3O3U.

2)                   XHXAXPXPXYX    XDXAXYXSX.

B) Write the division fact for the followings multiplications.

1)   4 x 5 = 20.  _________________

2)   8 x 4 = 32. _________________

C) Complete the multiplication trees.                                    

D) Look at diagrams and compete.

               x                =                                          x                   =

E) Study the pattern and fill in the missing ones.



Q.3) Read the smart chart given below and answer the questions.                             4×1=4

Favourite  sweet.Number of students.
 Jalebi 5
Laddoo 15
Gulab Jamun 25
Rusgulla 38

1) Most favourite sweet is ________________________.

2) Least favourite sweet is _________________________.

3) Laddoo is liked more than _________________.

4) Which sweet is liked more, Gulab Jamun or Rasgulla?      ____________

Ability to compute —– Class 3 Maths Annual Exam

Q.1) Fill in the blanks.                                                                                                           1 x 6 = 6

1) 3 x 5 =___________                             2) 6 ÷ 3  =____________

3) 18 ÷ 2 =_____________                      4) Rs 5    = _________ Paise

5) To measure a glass of milk _____________

6) 10, 20, 30, ______, ________

Q.2) Do as directed.                                                                                                            2 x 5 = 10

A) Multiply.              4  8

                              X       5

B) Add.                Rs. 2  5 .  5  0

                        +   Rs. 3  3 .   0  0



C) Subtract.                   8 lit  75 ml

                                   —   4 lit  05 ml



D) Add these weights.               3  5 kg   500 g

                                             +      2  2  kg   200 g



E) Divide by using  long method.             30 ÷  2 = __________

Q.3) Multiply by breaking two numbers.                                                                      4 x 1 = 4

43 x 25 =  _____________________


Problem solving ability —- Class 3 Maths Annual Exam

Q.1)  Match the right pairs.                                                                                              1 x 6 = 6

1)  A mug of water.                                                  About 1000 litres

2) Water tank.                                                           About ½ litre

3) A bucket                                                                  less than 1/10  litre

4) Eye drops bottle.                                                    About 10 litres

5)  Water pot.                                                             About 1 litre

6) A jug of water.                                                         About 12 litres

Q.2) Answer the following.                                                                                              2×5=10

A) There are 12 desks in a classroom each desk has 4 legs. What is the total number of legs of the desks?


5 Rs each

B) How much do these balloons cost?

     6 balloons cost ___________rupees.                                                                                

C) A shirt has 4 buttons. How many buttons would 3 shirts have?


 D) Hari   has 30 metres of rope. He distributes it equally among his three children. How much rope each child gets?


E) Find the sum of Rs 200 and Rs 90.


Q.3)  Three friends wanted to buy a cricket bat and ball. Bina had Rs 48.50, Ramu had Rs     55.50 and Venu had Rs. 38.00. How much money did they have in all?                     4 x 1 = 4


Class 3 Maths Annual Exam Answer Key



CLASS–III                                     SUBJECT-MATHS.


ANS-1)1000,2)3,3)25,4)12,5)44,42 6)4, 7)600, 8) 36, 9)gram, 10) subtraction

ANS 2)A) 5 times 5 =25.B) 67,77. C) 575,577,579,581. D) 1)6lit 610 ml.

2) 2764 ml. E) 1)7×3=21.2)9×10=90.

B) UNDERSTANDING — Class 3 Maths Annual Exam

ANS 1) 1) 12,15. 2) 40,82,12,34. 3)7 rupees. 4) 0. 5) pumpkin. 6)2000.

ANS 2) A) 1) WHERE ARE YOU, 2) HAPPY DAYS. B) 1) 20÷4=5 or 20÷5=4.

2) 32÷4=8. Or 32÷8=4. C)  2X6=12,12X1=12,4X3=12,6X2=12.

4X4=16,2X8=16,8X2=16,16X1=16. D) 2×2=4.  2X4=8. E)1) ÷, X .

ANS 3) 1)Rasgulla 2)Jalebi 3)Jalebi 4) Rasgulla


ANS 1) 15,2)9, 3)3, 4)500paise, 5)ml, 6)40,50.

ANS 2) A) 240. B) Rs 58.50 C) 4lit 70ml.D) 57kg 700g. E) 15.

ANS 3) 1075.

D) PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITY — Class 3 Maths Annual Exam

ANS 1) A mug of water                   about ½ litre.

         2) Water tank                           about 1000 litres.

         3) A bucket                               about 10 litres.

         4) Eye drops bottle                 less than 1/10 litre.

         5)  Water pot                          about 12 litres.

         6) A jug of water                    about 1 litre.

 ANS 2) 1) 48. 2) 30. 3)12. 4) 10. 5) Rs.290.    ANS 3) Total RS 142.00 .

Class 3 Maths Annual Exam – Question Bank




Fill in the blanks.

  1. 1 kg = ___________________ grams
  2. 3 kg = ___________________ grams
  3. 7000 g = _________________ kg
  4. 5000 g = _________________ kg
  5. 7 + 7 + 7+ 7 =        7__  X _____
  6. 9 + 9 + 9+ 9 =        9__  X _____
  7. 4 X 4 = ___________
  8. 5 X 5 = ___________
  9. Observe the pattern and write the next number

       50,48 , 46 , ________ , _________

60 ,50 , 40 , 30 , __________ , ______

10) 30÷ 6 = ____________

  1. 20 ÷5 = ____________
  2. 8 Rupees = ____________ Paise
  3. 6 Rupees = ____________ Paise
  4. Division is repeated _____________________________
  5. Multiplication is repeated ____________________________
  6. 5 X 3 = _______________
  7. 4 + 4 + 4+ 4 + 4 + 4 =        4_X________
  8. 23 Kg _________________ grams
  9. 21, 19, 17, ______________ , _________________
  10. 25 Rupees = ________________ Paise
  11. 20 ÷1 = ____________
  12. 9 X 8 = _______________
  13. 1 Lit = _________________ ml
  14. 2A,3B,4C ________ , ___________
  15. AA , BB , CC , _________ , __________
  16. 4 X 7 = _______________
  17. 2 Kg = __________ gram
  18. 5 Rupees = __________ Paise
  19. 9 + 9 + 9+ 9 =        9__  X _____
  20. 35 ÷ 7 = ____________

Short Answers:

Q1. Do as directed.

  1. Find the number without counting.
  2. How many apples together?

________3_______ times ______3_________ = ______________ apples

           2 ) How many flowers together ?

_______4________ times ______5_________ = ______________ flowers

  • Complete the number patterns.
  • 4A, 5B, 6C, ____________ , ____________
  • 21, 19, 17 , ____________ , ____________
  • 37, 47, 57 , ____________ , ____________
  • Find the odd numbers between.
  • 21 to 31.

21, _______ , _______ , _______ , _______ , 31

  • 81 to 91.

81, _______ , _______ , _______ , _______ ,91

  • 573 to 583.

573, _________ , _________ , _________ , _________ ,  583

  • 241 to 251.

241, _________ , _________ , _________ , _________ ,  251

  • Convert into liters and milliliters.
  • 3610 ml = __________ lit ____________ ml
  • 5320 ml = __________ lit ____________ ml
  • 2 lit 764 ml = ______________________ ml
  • 5 lit 250 ml = ______________________ ml
  • Write the multiplication fact of
  • 21 ÷ 7 = 3 , ___________________________________
  • 90 ÷ 9 = 10 , __________________________________


Q1. Write the correct answer.

  1. Extend the series.
  2. 3, 6, 9, ________ , __________
  3. 5, 10, 15, _________ , ____________
  4. 7, 14, 21, ___________ , _____________
  5. Circle the even number
  6. 40 ,75, 82, 99, 12, 34
  7. 35, 22, 87, 76, 18
  8. 56, 68, 44, 37, 20
  9. A)  5   +  2   = ______________________ rupees

B)  7   + 2    = ______________________ rupees

C)  3   + 5    = ______________________ rupees

  • A) 63 X 0 = ____________

B) 30 X 0 = ____________

C) 55 X 0 = ____________

  • Tick the heavier object.


  • A. 2 lit = __________________ ml

B. 5 lit = __________________ ml

C. 8 lit = __________________ ml

Short Answers:

Q1. Answer the following

  1. Decode the given secret message and write in the space given below.
  2. 3W3H3E3R3E

3A3R3E   3Y3O3U       _________________________________________________

  • 2B2E 2H2A2P2P2Y     _________________________________________________
  • 4I   4A4M   4I4N 4T4H4E

4G4A4R4D4E4N      __________________________________________________________

  • Write the division facts for the following multiplication.
  • 4 X 5 = 20 ___________________________________________________
  • 8 X 4 = 32 ___________________________________________________
  • 6 X 2 = 12 ___________________________________________________
  • 7 X 3 = 21 _____________________________________________________
  • Complete the multiplication trees.

              Note— In second tree change number from 16 to 18.

  • Look at the diagrams and complete it.

               X                       =                                               X                      =                                             X                     =  

  • Study the pattern and Fill in the missing ones.

Long Answers:-

  1. Read the given table and answer the following.
Favourite  sweet.Number of students.
Jalebi 5
Laddoo 15
Gulab Jamun 25
Rusgulla 38
  1. Most Favourite sweet _______________
  • Least Favourite Sweet ___________________

            c) Laddoo is liked more than _________________.

          d) Which sweet is liked more,Gulab Jamunor Rasgulla  _________

  • Read the given table and answer the following.
Food itemNo. of student
Poha Idli Dosa Dhokla 10       20        15        12
  1. Food item brought for lunch by the biggest

number of students _____________

  • Food item brought by the smallest

number of students ___________

  • Read the given table and answer the following.
Colour of flowersNumber of flowers
blue 9
red 7
orange 5
yellow 10
  1. Most number of flower ________
  2. Least number of flower ___________
  3. ________________ are more than __________
  4. ________________ are more than __________

C. Ability to Compute

Very Short  Answers:

Q1. Fill in the blanks.

  1. 3 X 5 = _______________
  2. 4 X 4 = _______________
  3. 18 —- 2 = _____________
  4. 32 —- 4 = _____________
  5. 6 —- 2 = ______________
  6. Rs 7 = ________________ paise
  7. Rs 5 = ________________ paise
  8. To measure a glass of milk =_________________
  9. To measure a tank of water _____________
  10. To measure a eye drops bottle ___________
  11. Rs 3 = _________________ paise
  12. 10, 20, 30, ________ , _________
  13. 25, 30, 35, ________ , _________
  14. 5, 10, 15, _________, __________
  15. 90, 80, 70, ________  , __________
  16. 5 X 5 = ______________

Short Answers:

Q1. Do as Directed:

  A)     1)  49×5= ______2)38×4=__________3)62×7=_________

B)   Add—

1) Rs 2 7. 50           2) Rs  25 .50        3)  Rs  42 . 50

 + Rs 35 . 00          +    Rs  33 . 00     +      Rs  57 . 50

____________   ______________      _______________

C) Subtract

   1)  20 lit 25 ml                   2)  8 lit 75 ml                         3)  12 Lit  05 ml

   _    15 lit  20 ml               __     4 lit 05 ml                     __    10 lit   oo ml

_________________      ________________         __________________

D)  Add these weight

   1)  35 kg 500g                 2) 88 kg 300 g                3)  50 kg 250 g

      + 22 kg 200g               +    44 kg 200 g              +      20 kg 050 g

____________            ________________        _________________

E) Divide  by long method.

1) 30 ÷ 2 = ————-    2)  38 ÷ 4 = _______     3) 42 ÷ 6 = ——————

Long Answers:

Q1. Multiply by breaking two numbers.

  1. 43 X 25 = __________________
  • 43 X 13 = ____________________
  • 25 X 36 = _______________________

VeryShort Answers:

Q1. Match the following right pairs

  1. Water Tank                                                                 about ½ litre
  2. Bucket                                                                         about 1000 litre
  3. Eye drops Bottle                                                          about 10 litre
  4. Water pot                                                                    about 1 litre
  5. A mug of water                                                           about 12 litre
  6. A jug of water                                                             less than ½ litre
  7. Elephant                                                                      2 Kg
  8. A bag of rice                                                                10 Kg
  9. A suitcase                                                                    400 Kg
  10. A mango                                                                      80 Kg
  11. A dogy                                                                           less than 1 Kg
  12. A cow                                                                          more than 1000 Kg
  13. A pumpkin                                                                   more than 3 Kg
  14. A brick                                                                         less than 1 Kg
  15. Your school bag                                                          more than 1 Kg

Short Answers:

Q1. Answer the following:

  1. One rail coach has 8 wheels. How many wheels in all in 6 coaches ?

Ans: ____________________________________________________________________

  • There are 12 desks in a classroom. Each desk has 4 legs. What is the total number of legs of the desks ?

Ans: ____________________________________________________________________

  • Ramu bought 4 packets of biscuits. Each packet has 4 biscuits. How many biscuits did Ramu buy?

Ans: ____________________________________________________________________

  • How much do these cost ?

4 Toffees coast ___________________ rupees . 

  • 6 balloons cost ___________________ rupees ?
_____________Rs 10___________ 
  • 10 pencil boxes cost __________________ rupees ?
  • A shirt has 4 buttons. How many buttons would 3 shirts have?


  • There are 18 beads. Divide them into 3 equal groups.


  • There are 12 grains. Distribute them into 4 baby bird.

Ans: ____________________________________________________________________

  1. Share 25 bananas among 5 monkeys. How many bananas for each monkey.

Ans: ___________________________________________________________________

  1. Minku put 15 laddoos equally into 5 boxes. How many laddoos will there be in each box?

Ans: ____________________________________________________________________

  1. HariPrashad has 30 metres of rope. He distributes it equally among his 3 childrens. How much rope each child gets ?

Ans: ____________________________________________________________________

  1. Find the sum of Rs 200 and Rs 90.

Ans: ____________________________________________________________________

  1. Find the sum of Rs 350 and Rs 100.

Ans: ____________________________________________________________________

  1. Find the sum of Rs 500 and Rs 50.

Ans: ____________________________________________________________________

Long Answers:

  1. Gita and her friend went shopping. She bought things for Rs 58, Rs 37 and Rs 22. How much money she paid to shopkeeper ?

Ans: ____________________________________________________________________

  • Hari booked 2 railway ticket for Rs 62.50 and Rs 50.00. How much money will he gave to booking ?

Ans: ____________________________________________________________________

  • Three friends wanted to buy a cricket bat and ball. Ina had Rs48.50 ,Ramu had Rs 55.50 and Venu had Rs 38.00 How much money did they have in all ?


******Class 3 Maths Annual Exam*****************************************************************************

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