Exam Question Paper

Class 4 EVS Annual Exam (40 Marks)

Download Class 4 EVS Annual Exam (40 Marks) Question paper in Word and PDF format with its blueprint,Answer Key and Question Bank.Annual Exam as per new pattern and marking scheme of KVS.These papers are very useful for teachers of KVS,CBSE schools and schools following NCERT syllabus.

Class 4 EVS Annual Exam -Session Ending Exam – Question Paper -2022-23

Dear Teachers and Educators ,we are providing Class 4 EVS Annual Exam- Session Ending Exam – Question Paper for session 2022-23.These exam papers are prepared as per the new scheme of Examination prescribed by KVS. According to new scheme final/annual written exam will be of 40 Marks.We are providing all question paper from class 1 to 10 of all subjects.You can find link of other from our home page.

Content we are providing

With the session ending exam question paper,we are providing you blueprint of question paper , answer key for evaluation and Question bank for students practice.Our question papers are according to new 40 marks scheme of KVS and NCERT.

Class 4 EVS Annual Exam -Session Ending Exam Schedule and Syllabus

As per the instruction and guidelines from CBSE and KVS the syllabus is divided in two terms and exams are conducted four times in a session.Periodic Test -1 also known as PT-2 then followed by Half Yearly Exam also known as Mid-Term Exam.Then in term-2 Periodic test-2 is conducted also called PT-2.In the last of session Session Ending Exams are conducted which are also called Final Exam.

Class 4 EVS Annual Exam Schedule ————-

Class 4 EVS Annual Exam -Question Bank

Class 4 EVS Annual Exam



Subject: EVS          Class:  IV______        Time: 1 hours 30 Min     Max. Marks: 40

Name: ________________________         Roll No.: ______          Date: _______

ObservationIdentificationDiscovery of FactsTotal

Sign of the Invigilator: ______________   Sign of Subject Teacher:  ______________


Q1. Observe the following pictures carefully and name them.                                      (5×1)

a) Name the tool ……………………………       b) Whose nest is this? ……………………..

c) Name of the spice …………………………  

d) This is a …………………………….


A.  Choose the correct option in the following questions.                                              (5×1)

 1. In which state Pochampalli is situated?

     a. Haryana                 b. Rajasthan                  c. Andhra Pradesh     d. Telangana 

2. Which bird does not make its own nest?

     a. Koel                         b. Crow                         c. Sunbird                     d. Indian robin 

3. How many commands are given during the parade in defence services?

     a. Twenty Four           b. Thirty                       c. Thirty Six                    d. Fifty

4. Where does the water come from in your school?

a. Tap                        b. River        c. Filled containers      d. has to be brought from home

5. What did Dhondhu like to do?

 a. To buy a chakki    b. To become a teacher   c. To work in the field  d. To read story books

b. Answer the following questions.                                                                                        (5×1)

 11. Classify the given names of fruits and vegetables accordingly. You can add more names   in the list.

Spinach        Potato                 Tomato           Pear        Chickoo           Pineapple

Gourd            Onion            Cabbage             Cucumber                                 Ginger

Fruits and vegetables that spoil quicklyFruits and vegetables that stay for some days
…………………………………………………. …………………………………………………. …………………………………………………. …………………………………………………. …………………………………………………. …………………………………………………. ………………………………………………….………………………………………………. …………………………………………………. …………………………………………………. …………………………………………………. …………………………………………………. …………………………………………………. ………………………………………………….

 12. Write the four ways of cleaning water.                                                       2

a…………………………………………… …..   b …………………………………………………                 

c…………………………………………………  d ………………………………………………….


Q.1 Fill in the blanks.                                                                                                                   (4×1)

  1. A  person who  cannot  walk………………………………………………..
  2. Chittapan  in Malayalam  means    ………………………………………………
  3. Name one spice which is used in both sweet and salty things …………………………

E)A sticky rice which is commonly used in Assam  ………………………………………

Q.2 From where do you get vegetables for your home? Who brings the vegetables? Which vegetable do you like the most? Draw its picture.(3)

Ans.  …………………………………………………………





Q.3)   Write the full form of ORS. Write the steps to make ORS solution at home. (3)

Ans ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






  • Why do you think Akshay’s grandmother warned him not to drink even water in Anil’s house? Do you agree with Akshya’s grandmother? What  should Akshay do? (2)

Ans ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






Class 4 EVS Annual Exam Question Bank

Q1 Give two examples of each Class 4 EVS Annual Exam

1 Two ways to purify water.                                                                                                      

_____________________                         ______________________

2 Two vegetables which do not have seeds.                                          

_____________________                         ______________________

3 Two vegetables that have rough surface.                                                              

___________________                                 ______________________

4  Two diseases caused after drinking dirty water.                                      

___________________                                ________________________

5 Two flightless birds.                 

__________________                               _______________________

6 Two things added to make an ORS solution.

 _____________________                        ______________________    

Q4What did Raziya read in the newspaper?

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Q5 Why were the women angry?

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Q6 Why  Nandita  has come to Mumbai?

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________Q7 Where does Koel lays it’s eggs?

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ Q8 Where does Dove make it’s nest?

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ Q9 What does Basva’s father use khunti for?

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Q10 Why should weeds be removed?

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Q11 Why  did  Babuji   sprinkle water on previous day’s  vegetables?

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Q12 What happens if Babuji gets late for the bazaar?


___________________________________________________________________________ Q13  Why do birds make nest?


Q14 How village life is different from a city life?

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Q15   How do people get water in the city?

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Q16 Where do people in village go for toilet?



                                    IDENTIFICATION    AND    CLASSIFICATION            Class 4 EVS Annual Exam

Q1 Fill in the blanks:

  1. Desert oak is a tree  found in _____________________.
  2. Banyan tree has _____________ roots.
  3. The pea plant has a ______________ stem.
  4. _______ is given in some schools of our country by the order of the  High court.
  5. Cooking and eating together in a  Gurudwara is called _____________
  6. Pilloo aunty took children to the ___________
  7. Bihu    is celebrated in____________________ state.
  • Dhondu  wanted to buy a ______________ to grind grains.
  • Pilloo aunty paid the correct amount to the _______________________.
  1. Pratibha thought why there are ________________ rules for girls and boys.
  1. Many craftsmen are moving to big _____________
  1. Pochampalli sarees are made in ______________ colours.
  1. Vani and Prasad learnt the craft from their ______________.
  1. ___________  is a type of sticky rice of Assam.
  1. Kadhah Prasad is a kind of ______________.
  1. Rearing of silk is called as____________.

Q2  Answer the questions:

Q1 Name the part of the plant which absorbs water from the soil.


Q2 What type of roots do Banyan tree have?


Q3 What is Mid- day meal?



Q4 Write four occasions when you get a chance to eat together.

Ans   1_____________ 2_____________3_______________4___________________ 

Q5 What do you learn when you eat with many people?



Q6 Why is there a quarrel in Marietta’s family?



Q7 Who takes important decisions in your family ? what do you feel about this?




Q8 Classify the following festivals under suitable heading .         Bihu     ,  Holi  ,   Christmas  ,    Pongal

Harvest festival Religious festival

Q9  Rewrite the steps of making “ Pochampalli sarees” in correct order:

Ans 1) Putting threads in boiling water to remove dirt and stains.

  • Drying in Sun and rolling threads into bundles.
  • Putting bundles onto looms and saree is woven .
  • Bring bundles of thread from Pochampalli market.

        5 Dyeing threads with bright colours.


Q  Write five lines on “ Desert Oak”.




4__________________________________________________________________________ 5__________________________________________________________________________

Q10  Why do you think children get Mid- day meal in the school?

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Q11 Rewrite the steps in correct order:

  1. People were busy making traditional food.
  2. Bhela ghar was set alight in the evening and people sang and danced around Bhela ghar.
  3. Bhela ghar was made from grass and bamboo.
  4. Food was served and everyone enjoyed the feast.

                                  DISCOVERY OF FACTS  Class 4 EVS Annual Exam

Q1 Tick  the correct answer from the given options:

1) A person who cannot walk 

  1. Blind                b) Lame                      c) Deaf                                    d) Dumb

            2)Chittapan in Malayalam means 

                 a) Dadaji               b)  Mamaji                  c) Chachaji                             d) Nanaji

           3)  A person who cannot speak 

                 a) Blind                   b) Lame                       c) Deaf                                    d) Dumb   

           4)  Chuskit called her father as

                  a) Aama- le              b)  Abba-  le                 c)  Papa- le                  d) Mama- le

  • What do we call  Elaichi in English  ?

                  a)  Cardamom        b)  Cumin                    c) Fennel               d) Cinnamon

  • A globe is a spherical representation of the

                  a)  Sun                      b)  Planets                   c) Space                       d) Earth              7) Travelling  by ____________ is fastest.

                  a) train                      b) ship                            c)aeroplane                 d) bus

  • A leaf which used in making  “Sambhar “
    • Tej patta              b) Curry patta            c) Dhaniya patta        d) Pudina
    • Name of the bank on Indian currency notes.
      • Reserve Bank of India       b) Union Bank of India     c)State Bank of India
    • Abu Dhabi is in this continent
      • South America        b) Africa                          c) Asia                             d) Europe                11)“PRISM” is a kind of glass which reflects

                  a) Seven colours         b) Eight colours           c) Six colours             d) Nine colours

                12) Wahida Prism was the __________ in the Indian Navy.

                  a) engineer            b)  sailor            c) doctor        d)   dentist

    Q 2       Answer the following questions :

 Q1    Who all helped Chuskit to reach school?           

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Q2 What plan did Chuskit’s  friends make to bring her to school?

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Q3 What is a “Prism” ?

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Q4 Why are spices  added to the food?

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Q5 What is a Globe ?

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Q6 Name four jobs in which people wear uniform . Class 4 EVS Annual Exam

a)  ___________    b)_____________  c)  _________________  d)_______________

Q7 Name some trees found in Kerala.

Ans_____________________________________________________________________ Q8 What is the language of Abu Dhabi ?

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ Q9 What is the currency of Abu Dhabi?

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ Q10 What are the common fruits of Abu Dhabi?

Ans _______________________________________________________________________ Q11 Why did Wahida’s parents leave their village?

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Q12 What was Wahida’s dream?

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ Q13 Why Chuskit was happy?

Ans_______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Q14 What did children do with the flat pieces of wood?


Q3  Gusess who am I ?

  1. I make your food yellow and help to heal your wounds.________________
  2. I am small , round and black like a pearl__________________
  3. I look like a nail. ______________
  4. I reduce tooth aches.___________
  5. I bring tears in your eyes.___________

Q4 Write four spices used for making  “Garam Masala”

  1. ___________________       b) ________________________
  2. ___________________       d)________________________

Q 5 Write  a report on “Abu Dhabi”  using following points:

  1. Climate/ Weather:-___________________________________________
  2. Kind of buildings:-______________________________________________
  3. Trees and plants:-________________________________________________
  4. Clothes people wear:-______________________________________________
  5. Currency of Abu Dhabi :-__________________________________________

Q6Locate the following states using clues on the map of India:- Class 4 EVS Annual Exam

                 ( Use different colours for different  states )

                      CLUES                                                                                   STATE

1)Pochampalli sarees are made in this state .                    _________________________

2)Kathakali is the dance of this state./    

Garden of spices                                                                        _________________________

3) Marathi is the official language of this state./

    Nasik district is in this state.                                              _________________________                    

4)Wahida Prism belongs to this state .                                 _________________________

5)People of this state enjoy langar in Gurudwara .            _________________________ 

6)Bihu festival is celebrated here .                                         _________________________                  

8) Bharat Natyam is the famous dance of this st                ______________________ Class 4 EVS Annual Exam

  Match the following.

1 Kadah Prasad                                    Temple

2 Tandoori                                            Gurudwara

3 Bhandara                                           Chapaties

4 Ardaas                                                   Halwa 

  Choose the correct option in the following questions.

1. In which state Pochampalli is situated?

a. Haryana              b. Rajasthan           c. Andhra Pradesh     d. Telangana 

2. Which bird does not make its own nest?

a. Koel               b. Crow                   c. Sunbird                  d. Indian robin 

3. How many commands are given during the parade in defence services?

a. Twenty Four b. Thirty        c. Thirty Six       d. Fifty 

4. Where does the water come from in your school?

a. Tap                b. River        c. Filled containers       d. Has to be brought from home

5. What did Dhondhu like to do?

a. To buy a chakki b. To become a teacher c. To work in the field d. To read story books

 Q.3)   Write the full form of ORS. Write the steps to make ORS solution at home. (3)






Q.4    Why do you think Akshay’s grandmother warned him not to drink even water in Anil’s

house? Do you agree with Akshya’s grandmother? What  should Akshay do? (3)






Q.5    Write a short note on Mid – Day Meal. (3)






Q.6  Where is Ladakh?   What kind of place is it? Class 4 EVS Annual Exam

Ans. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..





Q Classify the following festivals into harvesting festivals and religious festivals.

Holi               Diwali      Bihu        Makar Sankranti       Pongal               Rakshabandhan

Eid              Christmas          Guruparva        Onam      Baisakhi              Dussehra

Religious festivals Harvesting festivals

Harvesting festivals                                Religious festivals                                       

Flower           legs            root         Thanamandi         Karnataka         Khunti         Kerala

Fill in the blanks with the help of given words. 

6. In Basva’s area an implement called…………………………………is used to loosen the soil .

7. ………………………………………….. is famous for Mysore silk.

8. Chuskit could not use her ………………………………………..

9. Wahida belongs to ………………………………….. village.

10.Cauliflower is the …………………………………. of the plant.   

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Class 4 Session Ending Exam

Class 5 Session Ending Exam



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