Exam Question Paper

Class 4 Maths Annual Exam (40 Marks)

Download Class 4 Maths Annual Exam (40 Marks) Question paper in Word and PDF format with its blueprint,Answer Key and Question Bank.Annual Exam as per new pattern and marking scheme of KVS.These papers are very useful for teachers of KVS,CBSE schools and schools following NCERT syllabus.

Class 4 Maths Annual Exam

Class 4 Maths Annual Exam

Dear Teachers and Educators ,we are providing Class 4 Maths Annual Exam- Session Ending Exam – Question Paper for session 2022-23.These exam papers are prepared as per the new scheme of Examination prescribed by KVS. According to new scheme final/annual written exam will be of 40 Marks.We are providing all question paper from class 1 to 10 of all subjects.You can find link of other from our home page.

Class 4 Maths Annual Exam Pattern

Content we are providing

With the session ending exam question paper,we are providing you blueprint of question paper , answer key for evaluation and Question bank for students practice.Our question papers are according to new 40 marks scheme of KVS and NCERT.

Class 4 Maths Annual Exam -Session Ending Exam Schedule and Syllabus

As per the instruction and guidelines from CBSE and KVS the syllabus is divided in two terms and exams are conducted four times in a session.Periodic Test -1 also known as PT-2 then followed by Half Yearly Exam also known as Mid-Term Exam.Then in term-2 Periodic test-2 is conducted also called PT-2.In the last of session Session Ending Exams are conducted which are also called Final Exam.

Class 4 Maths Annual Exam -Question Bank

Class 4 Maths Annual Exam Question Paper



 Subject: MATHS             Class : IV______        Time: 2 hours 30 Min               Max. Marks: 80 Name:________________________                 Roll No.: ______                        Date: _______

KnowledgeUnderstandingAbility to ComputeProblem Solving AbilityTotal

            Invigilator Sign __________                                          Examiner Sign___________


Q1. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answer                                             ( 1 X 06)  

a) _____________________ is the longest chord of the circle.  (Radius   /   Diameter)

  • Multiplication is a repeated __________________.    (Addition /   Subtraction)
  • In ,  _______ is the numerator and-___________ is the denominator       ( 6 / 9 )
  •  Meter  =        ____________cm.                                     (50 / 500)
  • When the dividend & the divisor are the same number the quotient is ___ (1 / 0 )
  • Radius is  ________________ of a diameter.     (Double / Half)

Q.1. B. Short Answer Questions:                                                                                  (2X 2)

  1. Colour 2/3 of given shape.
  • A driver charges Rs. 650 for a trip. How much will he charge for 4 trips?


Q. 2 A  Do as directed                                                                                                       (1X 4)

  1. A circle has a radius of 7cm. How long is its diameter?    ____________cm Class 4 Maths Annual Exam
  2. If A = 1, B = 2, C = 3   D = _____,  E = _____
  3. Arrange the following objects from the lightest to the heaviest.

Textbook, Pen, Pencil box, Table

Ans.   _______________       ______________     _______________    ___________

  • Complete the statement: –  125 x 0 x   27 =   ________.

Observe the pattern and write down the next two terms.

Q. 2 B  Short Answer Questions:                                                                                               ( 2 X 3)

a) Find out the area of given shape. (Each square is of 1 cm square) Class 4 Maths Annual Exam

  • Which pan of balance will go down? Show by arrow.

Look at the chart and answer the questions

  1. Which fruit is least popular? __________________________
  2. How many more children like mangoes than apples?                   Class 4 Maths Annual Exam            



  • 3.A Do as directed                                                                                                             (1X 4)

a) Find the boundary of the following figure. b) Find the boundary of the following figure.

 = _____________cm = ____________cm

Q. Continue the pattern.

  • 5-Z ,  10-Y ,  15-X ,   20-W , __________ ,____________ Class 4 Maths Annual Exam.
    • 105  ,100,  95, ___________ ,    ____________

Q.2. B. Short Answer Questions:                                                                      (  2 X 3)

  1. Divide the given figure into FOUR equal parts. Each part should have the same number of squares. (Use four different colours.)
  • Subtract 17 Kg 200 gm from 35 Kg 400 gm.

                                                        Kg                              g

                                            ______________________________ Class 4 Maths Annual Exam


  • Add- 3 Kg 250 gm,       5 Kg 100 gm and        10 Kg 500 gm

                                              Kg                          gm

                                       ___________________________ Class 4 Maths Annual Exam



  • 4. A. Do as directed                                                                                                                (1X 4)

a) Draw the ½ of the picture to complete it.   

 Find out the area of the given shapes                           Class 4 Maths Annual Exam                            


               11 cm         Area = _________                                                          

                                                                20 cm Class 4 Maths Annual Exam

)Complete the table

c)No of legs 36 20
d)No of cats4 12

Q.4. B Short Answer Questions:                                                                                            ( 2 X 1)

  1. Razia wants change for Rs. 500. How many notes will she get if she wants in return

Solution:       1) All 100 rupee notes?   ______________________

                              2)  All 50 rupee notes?    ______________________

Q4. C   Some children were asked which of these subjects they like most-

ENGLISH, HINDI, MATHS, and EVS.                                                                               (1 × 4)


Find out from the table                       

  1. The total number of Children     =      ________
  • How many children like Maths subject?

(½ or  ¼)                                                =    _________

  • Draw a bar chart for the given information

Class 4 Maths Annual Exam -Question Bank

Kendriya Vidyalaya …………..

Question Bank Second Term

Subject – Maths                                             Class – IV


VSA Class 4 Maths Annual Exam                                                                                                                                                   

1.  Multiplication is repeated ____________ . 

2.Perimeter is ———————-of all sides of the shapes

  • Area of a square = __________ X __________
  • Fill in the blanks:

(a) 1/2 of litre = _________ml                   (b) ¾ of kilogram = _______ gm ( c ) 1/4 of a litre= ________ ml                (d) ¾ of litre = __________ ml 5._____________ is a simple closed curve.

  • _______________ is the line that runs between the circle and its centre.
  • _______________divides the circle into two equal halves.
  • _______________is the distance around the circle; it is the length of the circle.
  • Fill in the numerals in the boxes:

a)In 4/6 ——- isthe numerator and———– is the denominator

  • In 3/8 ————is the numerator and———– is the denominator
  • In 6/9 ,————– is the numerator and———— is the denominator
  • In 7/8   ———–is the numerator and —————is the denominator
  • A radius is the ______ of a diameter.
  • The product of 1 and a number is the ____________ itself.  SA Class 4 Maths Annual Exam

1. Decode given message.( Rule- Numbers have been used for letters)

a) 7  15  15  4     14  9  7  8  20                   b) 8  15   23  1  18  5    25  15   21  2.  code given message by using rule-change the letter by 2nd  next letter  

3. a)   All the best                                     b) meet me on moon

     3.Write multiplication facts for given numbers Class 4 Maths Annual Exam

              45 = ____ x ____                                             64= ____ x ____

                   ____ x ____                                                         ____ x ____

     4.Colour 2/3 of given shape                                       



  1. Radius of a circle is 4 cm. what is its diameter?
  • If BANK is coded as CBOL, How will BOOK be coded?
  • Arrange the following objects in order of ‘The Heaviest to The Lightest’                     A Horse, A Dog, An Elephant, An Ant, A Monkey
  • 2 km + 7 km + 100 m + 420 m = ____ Km ____ m
  • 9 x 44 x 25 x 0 = ______
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • One kilogram = ___________ grams.
  • Half a kilogram = ___________ grams.
  • The heavier one among 100g and 10 kg is ____________ Class 4 Maths Annual Exam

d) 1 kg =  _________ grams.

  • 2. 5 kg = ________ grams.
  • 2 kg = ________ grams.
  • 3 kg = ________ grams.
  • 7 kg = ________ grams.
  • 9 kg = ________ grams. Class 4 Maths Annual Ending Exam


1.Draw the radius and diameter of the given circles and measure it and find the relationship between radius and diameter

Circle A

Radius ____ Diameter: _____

Circle B Class 4 Maths Annual Ending Exam

Radius ____ Diameter: _____

Relationship between Radius and Diameter

2.  Complete the magic square by using numbers 1-9 so that addition of each line should be 15.

  • Find out the area of given shape. ( Each square is of 1 cm square )
  • Which pan of balance will go down? Show by arrow.
  • Colour the given figures according to the fractions:

a)  1/6    green     

  1. ¼  yellow
    1. 2/8  blue

7. Anu wants change for Rs.100

How many notes will she get if she wants change? a) All 50 rupee notes? ___________

  • All 10 rupee notes ? ______________
    • All 20 rupee notes? _______________
    • All 5 rupee notes ? _________________


 The chart shows food preferences among children. Look and answer.


d)How many more children prefer Mango than apple? _____________

2.  Kaveri is a tailor. She has to fix lace around a table cloth of length 50 cm and width 20 cm . Find out a)  How much lace will she used for one table cloth?

              b) How much lace will she need to lace such 5 table cloths?

               c)If she bought 100 metre roll of lace . How much lace will left after lacing 10  such tablecloths

Ability to compute VSA

  1. Calculate the boundary of given shape.                   
  • Complete the table.
NumberHalf ( ½  )Quarter ( ¼ )Three fourth ( ¾)

3. Find the product of

a) 2 x 5 =                                              b) 12 x 0 =

c) 7 x 8 =                                               d) 18 x 50 =

e) 17 x 1 =                                             f) 90 x 10 =

4 . Divide

a) 28 / 4 = b) 14/ 2 = c) 36/ 9 =

d) 25 /5 = e) 100/ 10 = f) 27/3=

g) 44/4= h) 54/6 = i) 64/ 8= SA

1 .  Make the multiplication table of 13 using any two multiplication tables: Table of –

Table of – Table of 13 –

2.  Add the following in columns:

a) 13 kg 750g and 24 kg 500 g                                    b) 5 kg 5g and 7kg 17g

c) 2kg 200g, 4kg 600g and 1kg                                              d) 4 kg, 10kgand 200g

 3.  Write in columns and subtract:

a) 38kg 500g from 45kg 250g                              b) 79kg 759g from 91kg 60g


21. Using Price list find out.

ItemPrice in Rs ( per Kg)
  1. How much does ½ Kg of onion costs?

Ans. _____________

  • What is the price of ¾ Kg of potato?

Ans. _____________

  • Which costs more ½ kg onion or 1 kg pumkin?

Ans. _____________ 

  • Shabnam bought ½ kg radish and ¼ kg tomatoes. How much did

she pay?

Ans. _____________

Problem Solving Ability


  1. Complete the table
No of legs 36 20
No of cats48 12 711
  • In a class of 54 children, one –third are girls. How many children are boys?
  • A bus carries 50 passengers. How many passengers will 4 buses carry?
  • A vegetable – seller had 25kg of onions. He sold 20kg 250g.How much onion are left with him?


  1. If you distribute Rs. 420 among 6 children. How much each one will get?
  2. The price for one book is Rs. 30.  Find the price for 117 such books.
  3. A fruit seller had 32kg 500 g of apples. He sold 21 kg 250 g. How many apples are left with him?
  • . Find the perimeter and area of the following , squares , whose sides measuring

A) 5 cm                                                           b)  7 cm                                    c) 10 m

5.  Find the perimeter of rectangle whose length and breadth are given.

  1. Length – 7 cm  breadth = 5 cm
  2. Length = 12 cm breadth = 8 cm
  3. Length = 15 cm breadth = 10 cm

6 .  A truck can carry 120 bags of wheat at a time. In how many trips will it carry 1080 bags?

  • Sunil made a necklace of 17 sea-shells. He has 100 sea-shells. How many such necklaces can he make out of 100n such sea-shells ?
  • You have to distribute 96 oranges equally in 3 baskets. How many oranges will there be in each basket?

Q24.How long is the line AB.


                                         The diameter of each circle is 4cm.

1.  Arvind is a good runner. Every morning he runs 6 rounds of the nearby field. The measures of the sides of the field are given here. Find out how many kilometers does he run every day?        

                                                                                                             270 m 

                                                                               120 m

2) Gangu made sweets for Diwali. She had 80 laddoos. She packs 4 laddoos in each small packet. a) How many packets did she make? ————

b) If he packs, 20 laddoos in bigger packets how many packets does she get? Class 4 Maths Session Ending Exam

3. Ram walks around a square field of length 6m and 25cm and Tanish walk around a rectangular field of length 4m 80cm and breadth of 5m10 cm. Who walks a greater distance and by how much?

4)  See the Chapati chart and answer the questions given below

5). Show the given data in a bar chart –  Number of balls sold by a shop on 6 days of a week. : Monday 17, Tuesday 12, Wednesday 20, Thursday 15, Friday 5 and Saturday 11.

6. Look at the postal rates and find out the cost of sending these items – 

Postal ItemsPostal  Rates( in ru)
Letter weighing 20g or less For every additional 20 g 5 .00
Parcel weighing          i)        50g or less5.00
For every additional 50g 3.00
  1. A parcel weighing 256g
  • A letter of  95 g Class 4 Maths Session Ending Exam
  • A parcel of 580 g
  • A letter of 140 g


a)    a)How much does ½ kg of tomatoes cost?

b)What is the price of   ¾ kg of potatoes? Class 4 Maths Session Ending Exam

                                                                                                     c)    Which costs more    ½ kg of onions or   

¼ kg of carrots?

Make a question yourself from the price list.


Q22. In a class of 60 student ,One-fourth are girls .How many students are boys?


Q23.Anjali has not gone to school for 21 days. For how many weeks was she away from school?


Q24.How long is the line AB. Class 4 Maths Session Ending Exam


                                         The diameter of each circle is 4cm.


Q25.(1)How many circles of 5cm. diameter will fit into each row in the rectangle given below?

40cm                                     Solution:- Class 4 Maths Session Ending Exam


  (2)How many circles will fit into the rectangle altogether?


Q26.A family of 6 people needs 90Kg of Wheat for a month. How much Wheat does this family need for a   week?


Q27. Find out the length of side BC and CD. Also find the Perimeter of the given  Class 4 Maths Session Ending Exam

figure                         10 cm


                                   A                                B

                                           10 cm DE 

 5 cm

                                  F                        20 cm

Q28.Thereare300 bricks in a hand cart.  Weight of a brick is 4Kg. What will be the total weight of all the bricks?

Q29.Some children were asked which of these subjects they like most- ENGLISH, HINDI, MATHS, and EVS.


(1)Find out from the table

(a) The total number of Children       =       ________ Class 4 Maths Session Ending Exam

1 (b) How many children like Maths subject – or   .



(2)Show the number of children that like English, Hindi, Class 4 Maths Session Ending Exam


32). Show the given data in a bar chart –  Number of balls sold by a shop on 6 days of a week. :

Monday 17, Tuesday 12, Wednesday 20, Thursday 15, Friday 5 and Saturday 11. 33) . Look at the postal rates and find out the cost of sending these items – 

Class 3 Session Ending Exam

Class 4 Session Ending Exam

Class 5 Session Ending Exam



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