Download Class 4 English Annual Exam (40 Marks) Question paper in Word and PDF format with its blueprint,Answer Key and Question Bank.Annual Exam as per new pattern and marking scheme of KVS.These papers are very useful for teachers of KVS,CBSE schools and schools following NCERT syllabus.
Class 4 English Annual Exam -Session Ending Exam – Question Paper -2022-23

Dear Teachers and Educators ,we are providing Class 4 English Annual Exam- Session Ending Exam – Question Paper for session 2022-23.These exam papers are prepared as per the new scheme of Examination prescribed by KVS. According to new scheme final/annual written exam will be of 40 Marks.We are providing all question paper from class 1 to 10 of all subjects.You can find link of other from our home page.
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With the session ending exam question paper,we are providing you blueprint of question paper , answer key for evaluation and Question bank for students practice.Our question papers are according to new 40 marks scheme of KVS and NCERT.
Class 4 English Annual Exam -Session Ending Exam Schedule and Syllabus
As per the instruction and guidelines from CBSE and KVS the syllabus is divided in two terms and exams are conducted four times in a session.Periodic Test -1 also known as PT-2 then followed by Half Yearly Exam also known as Mid-Term Exam.Then in term-2 Periodic test-2 is conducted also called PT-2.In the last of session Session Ending Exams are conducted which are also called Final Exam.
Class 4 English Annual Exam Schedule ————-

Class 4 English Annual Exam -Question Paper Word and PDF Link
Class 4 English Annual Exam Question Paper Word file- Link
Class 4 English Annual Exam Question Paper PDF file – Link
Class 4 English Annual Ending Exam -Answer Key Link
Class 4 English Annual Exam -Answer Key Link
Class 4 English Annual Ending Exam -Blueprint Link
Class 4 English Annual Exam -Blueprint Link
Class 4 English Annual Ending Exam -Question Bank
Class 4 English Annual Exam -Question Bank –Link
Class 4 English Annual Exam -Question Paper
SESSION ENDING EXAM (2022-23) Class 4 English Annual Exam
Subject: English Class: IV______ Time: 1 hours 30 Min Max. Marks: 40
Name: ________________________ Roll No.: ______ Date: _______
Reading Comprehension | Writing | |||||
Prose & Poetry | Grammar | Creative Writing | Spelling | Hand Writing | Total | |
10 | 10 | 7 | 8 | 3 | 2 | 40 |
Invigilator Sign __________ Examiner Sign__________
READING 10 Class 4 English Annual Exam
Q1) Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: (1×05=05)
A learned Pundit once visited the court of Akbar. He told the King and his courtiers that he had mastery over many different languages. The Pundit could speak many languages fluently. He was so fluent that no one could find out what his mother tongue was. He challenged everybody at the court to name his mother tongue. When everyone failed, the challenge was taken up by Birbal. That night, Birbal went quietly to the Pundit’s room when he was asleep. He whispered into the Pundit’s ear and tickled it with a feather.
The Pundit, half awake, cried out suddenly and shouted out words in his mother tongue. Birbal came to the court the next day and told everyone that the Pundit’s mother tongue was Telugu. The Pundit was surprised and accepted the truth.
a. Who visited Akbar’s Court once?
b. What did he tell the King?
c. Who took up the challenge?
d. Where did Birbal go that night?
e. The opposite word of ‘awake’ is ___________________
Q.2) Read the passage carefully and answer the questions: (1×5=05) Class 4 English Annual Exam
Australia is an island. It is surrounded by the sea. However, as it is large in size, it is called as continent. It has long sandy beaches, grassy farmland and high mountains. It also has vast deserts and forests.Australia is famous for sheep rearing. There are millions of sheep all over the country. These sheep are bread for their meat and wool. There are also many large cattle farms in Australia. Kangaroos live in Australia too. These animals run very fast because they have powerful hind legs. The mother kangaroo carries her young in her pouch. Like kangaroos, koalas can only be found in Australia. These animals are very quiet and they live in gum trees.
a) Why is Australia an island?
b) What Australians get from sheep?
c) What helps the kangaroo to run fast?
d) Which animal lives most of the time in trees?
e) The plural of ‘tree’ is _______________
WRITING Class 4 English Annual Exam
Q.3) Very short answer type questions: (1×4=4)
a) What is the best time to water the plants? ___________________________________________________________________________
b) What did the library door say?
c) What did the boy make with the trunk of the tree?
d) What did the carpenter make out of the piece of wood?
Q.4) Short answer type questions: (2×3=06) Class 4 English Annual Exam
a) Why did the child in the poem like looking at the pictures?
b) How many types of books the shopkeeper showed to the children? Name them.
c) What did the books in library look like?
GRAMMAR Class 4 English Annual Exam
Q.5) Do as directed. (1 x 7 = 7)
a) Underline the describing words in the sentences:
i. The cow was in bad mood that day.
ii. The Jack bought a red car.
b) Choose the correct word from the bracket.
i. Do you ________ a secret? ( no / know)
ii. This sum is __________. ( right / write)
c) Change the words into simple past tense.
i. Come: ___________________ ii. Pray _____________________
d) Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Class 4 English Annual Exam
Ram was a farmer. _____ (He/His) wanted to sell all ____ (he/his) animals to a rich man.
e) Make new words and complete the sentences.
i. The children love to sing __________. (sweet)
ii. Do your work ___________. (neat)
f) Choose the correct word.
i. My mother went to the market and bought a dozen ________. (banana/bananas)
ii. My sister asked for an ____________. (apple/apples)
g) Fill in the blanks with a or an.
i.I want to buy ________ pencil.
ii. I want ____ orange.
CREATIVE WRITING (2×4=8) Class 4 English Annual Exam
Q.6) Write a paragraph on ‘Importance of books.’
OR Write in five sentences what do we get from plants and trees?
Q.7) Look at the picture and write five sentences.
SPELLING (1×3) 3 Class 4 English Annual Exam
Q. 8) Encircle the correct spelling:
Beavers Bevers Bivers
Q.9) Find out the word.
A person who catches thieves. P __ __ __ __ __ __ __ n
Q.10) Make a new word from the word – PINOCCHIO.
XII) Rewrite the following paragraph in your beautiful handwriting. 2 Class 4 English Annual Exam
Positive moral values are important because they allow you to have an overall feeling of peace and joy. Moral values can give meaning and purpose to your life. You are able to direct your behaviour towards beneficial and fulfilling activities. When you live your life according to moral values that are based on honesty, compassion, courage, modesty, and forgiveness, then you can also form positive bonds with other people.
Class 4 English Annual Ending Exam -Question Bank
Question Bank
Subject: English Class: IV
Q.1)Very short answer type questions: Class 4 English Annual Exam
a)What is the best time to water the plants?
b) What did the library door say?
c) From where did the naughty boy come?
d) What did the boy make with the trunk of the tree?
e) What did the carpenter make out of the piece of wood?
f) Who was Hiawatha?
g) Who was Nokomis?
h) Who came to Akbar’s court?
i) Which part of the plant should be watered?
j) What Pundit claim to know?
k) Where did the girl and boy go to buy books?
l) Where did the naughty boy go?
m) What did the carpenter make out of it?
n) What did he call his puppet?
o) What did the carpenter buy? Class 4 English Annual Exam
Q.2) Short answer type questions:
a) How many persons tried to make the cow move? Name them.
b) How did the tree help the boy earn money?
c) Why did the child in the poem like looking at the pictures?
d) How many types of books the shopkeeper showed to the children? Name them.
e) What did the books in library look like?
f) What did Pinocchio say in the end?
g) Write four things that are made out of wood? Class 4 English Annual Exam
h) What did the naughty boy wonder about?
i) Why did the naughty boy go to Scotland?
j) Why did grandfather give the children money?
k) How did the boy enjoy the company of the tree? Class 4 English Annual Exam
l) How was the stump of the tree useful?
m) Why is the play called “ The Giving Tree”?
n) When should we not water the plants?
o) What did Hiawatha learn about the birds? Class 4 English Annual Exam
p) What did Hiawatha learn about beasts?
GRAMMAR Class 4 English Annual Exam
Q.3) Do as directed.
a) Underline the describing words in the sentences:
i. The cow was in bad mood that day.
ii. The Jack bought a red car.
iii) Rohan is a good boy.
iv) Raju is an honest boy.
v) The Rose flower is beautiful.
vi) She is very tall girl.
b) Choose the correct word from the bracket.
i. Do you ________ a secret? (no/know)
ii. This sum is __________. (right/write)
iii) The bird sits on a ______( bough/ bow)
iv) The squirrel has a long ________( tale/tail)
v) I can ______the birds song.( hear/here)
vi) He is our school __________.( principal/principle)
c) Arrange the following words alphabetically:
i) Knowledge Chamber Accepted Rejected
ii) Man Drive Got Water
iii) Tell Try Receive Rat
iv) Gather Making Operation Forgive
v) Forget Purple Junk Kite
vi) See Cater Good Going
d) Rewrite the sentence using capital letters, full stop etc.
i) the tailor went to the market
ii) on Monday I will go to school
iii) sita where are you looking
iv) Rahim ravi and raju are going to see the circus
v)laxmi why are you crying
e) Make opposite words with the words -dis/- in-
i. Respect ii. Secure iii. Own iv. Able v. efficient vi. Capable
f) Change the words into simple past tense.
i. Come ii. Pray iii. claim iv. visit v. learn vi. hold
g) Add ‘ly’ to make new words.
i. Fierce: ii. Gentle iii. Quiet iv. Angry v. sad vi. Fluent
h) Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
Ram was a farmer. _____ (He/His) wanted to sell all ____ (he/his) animals to a rich man.
There __(he/him) sold ___(he/his) animals to a rich man. He went back to ___(him/his) village.
i) Make new words and complete the sentences.
i. The children love to sing __________. (sweet)
ii. Do your work ___________. (neat)
iii. Read your lesson ________.(silent)
iv. Throw the ball _______.(slow)
v. The tree gave its fruit to the boy _______.(happy)
vi. Cross the road ______(careful)
j) Make a naming word by adding –ness at the end of the words.
i. Kind ii. Swift iii. Forgive iv. Blind v. swift vi. Polite
k) Choose the correct word.
i. My mother went to the market and bought a dozen ________. (banana/bananas)
ii. My sister asked for an ____________. (apple/apples)
iii.My brother wanted a ____________(banana/bananas)
iv. A tree has one ______(trunk/trunks) but many _________(branch/branches).
v.A ________( branch/branches) has a number of ________( leaf/leaves).
vi. I ate an ________(orange/oranges)
l) Add – ing to the end of the word.
i. Write ii. Go iii. Play iv. Speak v. try vi. Creat
m) Fill in the blanks with a or an.
i.I want to buy ________ pencil.
ii. I want ____ orange.
iii. He is ____honest man.
iv. It is ___ matter of pleasure.
v. She reached to ___ place where all are pleased.
vi. There is ___ egg in the basket.
n) Write the rhyming words. i.Boots ii. Heat iii. Car iv. High v. where vi. Morning
o) Underline the silent letters. i.D O U B ii. K N I F E iii. KNOW iv.WRITE v. CALM
Q.4) Write a paragraph on ‘Importance of books.’
Q.5) Write five sentences about Pinocchio in your own words.
Q.6) Write in five sentences what do we get from plants and trees?
Q7) Describe Hiawatha and his friends in five lines.
Q8) Describe the naughtiest child in your class in five lines.
Q9) Describe garden which have seen in five lines.
Q10) Write five sentences about Cow.
Q11) Write a paragraph about how can you save the plant that is in danger.
Q12) Look at the picture and describe it in your words.( It can be given by the teacher for practice )
Q.11) Place letters in their right order to form the name of the flower.
P A E T W E E S ___________________
MRAIDOLG __________________
JMINEAS ____________________
ARGOM ______________________
DHAAIL ________________________
ANSPY _________________________
BISIHCUS _________________________
Q.10) Insert the missing letters to complete the word.
Q _ _ _ R (strange)
Q. 11) Make a word family with – ell for the following word:
W __ __ __, T__ __, B __ __ , C __ __, SM __ __ __ , S __ __ __
Q. 12) Encircle the correct spelling:
Beavers Bevers Bivers
Raindeer Reindeer Rendeer
Wrestler Restler Wresler
Irrated Irriated Irritated
Deliciucs Dilicious Delicious
Skinny Skiny Skine
Q.13) Look at the picture and complete the spelling.
i. A h __ __ __ __ __ __ l is a place where sick people are taken care .
ii. An ____________is a place where aeroplanes take off and land.
iii. A ___________is a place where food is cooked.
iv. A ___________is a place where you can buy things.
v. A__________ is a place where children can study.
Q.14) write the correct answer. (boy, beautiful)
The peacock is a ________________bird.
Q.15) A thing which is made of wood is – w__ __ d __ n.
Q.16) Find out the word.
i. A person who catches thieves. P __ __ __ __ __ __ __ n
ii. A person who sells vegetables. G__ __ C __ R
iii. A person who sells ice cream . I__ __ C__E__M__ __N
Q.17) Write the nationality of following country.
i. India- I______________ N
ii. Scotland S__ __ __ __ I__ ___
iii. Australia A __ __ __ R___ L__ __ __
iv. France F__ __ __ __ H
v. Japan J__P__ __ __ __E
vi. Sri Lanka S __ ___ L___ N ___ ___ N
Q.18) Make 10 meaningful words from the word-PINOCCHIO.
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