Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan in Word and PDF format

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan in Word and PDF format -As an EVS (Environmental Studies) teacher for Class 5 in KVS (Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan), NVS (Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti), or CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) schools, it’s crucial to have a well-structured lesson plan to ensure effective teaching and learning. A comprehensive lesson plan helps in delivering the curriculum content systematically while engaging students and achieving the desired learning outcomes. Here we are providing lesson plans for all chapters of Class 5 EVS in both Word and PDF that you can utilize.

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 1 Super Senses Lesson Plan

The chapter “Super Senses” in NCERT’s Class 5 Environmental Studies (EVS) curriculum introduces students to the fascinating world of sensory perception and observation. It aims to enhance their understanding of the five senses and their significance in exploring and experiencing the environment.

In this chapter, students delve into the concept of super senses possessed by animals and how they rely on their heightened sensory abilities for survival and adaptation. The activities and examples provided help students appreciate the remarkable ways in which animals perceive the world around them.

Through various engaging exercises, students are encouraged to explore their own senses and develop their powers of observation. They learn to distinguish between different smells, identify various tastes, recognize different textures, discern sounds, and understand the importance of vision. Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan

The chapter emphasizes the interconnectedness between humans and animals, highlighting the similarities and differences in our sensory experiences. Students gain insight into the unique abilities of animals, such as a dog’s acute sense of smell or a bat’s echolocation.

Furthermore, the chapter promotes empathy and respect for animals, encouraging students to consider their role in conserving and protecting these incredible creatures. By understanding and appreciating the super senses of animals, students develop a deeper connection with nature and increase awareness of the importance of environmental preservation.Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan

Overall, the chapter “Super Senses” in NCERT Class 5 EVS provides an engaging and informative exploration of the senses and their significance in the natural world. It nurtures curiosity, observation skills, and empathy towards animals, fostering a sense of wonder and appreciation for the diverse sensory experiences that exist in our environment.Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan

Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 Super Senses Lesson Plan WORD formatLink

Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 Super Senses Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 2 A Snake Charmer’s Story Lesson Plan

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan

“A Snake Charmer’s Story” is an intriguing chapter in NCERT’s Class 5 EVS curriculum. It introduces students to the world of snakes, their habitats, and the coexistence of humans and snakes. The chapter emphasizes snake conservation, raising awareness about the importance of protecting these fascinating creatures.

Class 5 EVS Chapter 2 A Snake Charmer’s Story Lesson Plan WORD formatLink

Class 5 EVS Chapter 2 A Snake Charmer’s Story Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 3 From Tasting to Digesting Lesson Plan

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan

“From Tasting to Digesting” is an informative chapter in NCERT’s Class 5 EVS syllabus. It explores the process of digestion in humans and animals, highlighting the importance of different types of teeth and a balanced diet. Students learn about healthy eating habits and the significance of digestion for overall well-being.

Class 5 EVS Chapter 3 From Tasting to Digesting Lesson Plan WORD formatLink

Class 5 EVS Chapter 3 From Tasting to Digesting Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 4 Mangoes Round the Year Lesson Plan

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan

Mangoes Round the Year” is an engaging chapter in NCERT’s Class 5 EVS curriculum. It introduces students to the lifecycle of a mango tree, pollination process, and seasonal variations in mango production. The chapter emphasizes the importance of fruit preservation and the benefits of consuming seasonal fruits for a healthy lifestyle.

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Class 5 EVS Chapter 4 Mangoes Round the Year Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 5 Seeds and Seeds Lesson Plan

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan

“Seeds and Seeds” is an intriguing chapter in NCERT’s Class 5 EVS curriculum. It explores the diversity of seeds, their dispersal mechanisms, and the conditions required for germination. Students gain insights into the crucial role of seeds in plant reproduction and food production, fostering a deeper understanding of the natural world.

Class 5 EVS Chapter 5 Seeds and Seeds Lesson Plan WORD formatLink

Class 5 EVS Chapter 5 Seeds and Seeds Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 6 Every Drop Counts Lesson Plan

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan

“Every Drop Counts” is a vital chapter in NCERT’s Class 5 EVS curriculum. It highlights the importance of water as a precious resource and raises awareness about water scarcity and conservation techniques. Students learn about different water sources, the water cycle, and the significance of rainwater harvesting. The chapter instills a sense of responsibility in students towards using water judiciously and promotes sustainable water management practices for a better future.

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Class 5 EVS Chapter 6 Every Drop Counts Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 7 Experiments with Water Lesson Plan

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan

“Experiments with Water” is an exciting chapter in NCERT’s Class 5 EVS curriculum. It encourages hands-on learning through experiments that explore the properties of water. Students investigate concepts such as surface tension, buoyancy, and solubility. They also gain an understanding of the importance of water for various organisms and ecosystems, fostering a scientific approach to studying the wonders of this essential natural resource.

Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Experiments with Water Lesson Plan WORD formatLink

Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Experiments with Water Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 8 A Treat for Mosquitoes Lesson Plan

“A Treat for Mosquitoes” is a significant chapter in NCERT’s Class 5 EVS curriculum. It educates students about mosquitoes, their life cycle, and the diseases they can transmit. The chapter emphasizes preventive measures, personal hygiene, and community participation in mosquito control. It raises awareness about the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy environment to minimize the impact of mosquitoes and promote well-being in our communities.

Class 5 EVS Chapter 8 A Treat for Mosquitoes Lesson Plan WORD formatLink

Class 5 EVS Chapter 8 A Treat for Mosquitoes Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 9 Up You Go! Lesson Plan

“Up You Go!” is an engaging chapter in NCERT’s Class 5 EVS curriculum. It introduces students to the concept of air, its properties, and applications. Students explore air pressure, modes of air transport, and gain an understanding of the role of air in our daily lives.

Class 5 EVS Chapter 9 Up You Go! Lesson Plan WORD formatLink

Class 5 EVS Chapter 9 Up You Go! Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 10 Walls Tell Stories Lesson Plan

The NCERT EVS chapter “Walls Tell Stories” explores the significance of walls in our surroundings. Walls bear witness to history, culture, and human experiences. They hold stories of past events, art, and societal changes. Through this chapter, students learn to appreciate the narrative power of walls and their role in shaping our collective identity.

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Class 5 EVS Chapter 10 Walls Tell Stories Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 11 Sunita in Space Lesson Plan

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan

The NCERT Class 5 EVS chapter “Sunita in Space” introduces students to the remarkable journey of astronaut Sunita Williams. It explores her experiences aboard the International Space Station and provides insights into life in space. Through this chapter, students gain knowledge about space exploration, the challenges faced by astronauts, and the wonders of the universe. It inspires young minds to dream big and encourages their curiosity about outer space.

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Class 5 EVS Chapter 11 Sunita in Space Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 12 What if it Finishes …? Lesson Plan

The NCERT Class 5 EVS chapter “What if it Finishes …” focuses on the importance of conserving resources and understanding the concept of sustainability. It prompts students to think about the consequences if essential resources like water, forests, and energy were to deplete or vanish. Through this chapter, students learn the significance of responsible consumption, recycling, and preserving the environment for future generations. It encourages them to become conscious global citizens and take actions to protect and sustain our planet’s resources.

Class 5 EVS Chapter 12 What if it Finishes …? Lesson Plan WORD formatLink

Class 5 EVS Chapter 12 What if it Finishes …? Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 13 A Shelter so High! Lesson Plan

The chapter “A Shelter So High” introduces students to the fascinating world of mountains and the unique shelters found in such regions. It aims to enhance their understanding of the diverse habitats and living conditions across the globe. Through this chapter, students will explore the challenges faced by people living in high-altitude regions and the innovative ways in which they adapt to their environment.

Key Concepts Explored:

  1. Mountains as Habitats: The chapter emphasizes that mountains are not just physical features but also serve as habitats for various plants, animals, and human communities. It highlights the importance of biodiversity in mountain ecosystems.
  2. Adaptations: Students learn about the specific challenges faced by people living in mountainous regions, such as extreme weather conditions, lack of resources, and limited connectivity. The chapter focuses on how humans and animals adapt to survive in such environments.
  3. Types of Shelters: The chapter introduces different types of shelters found in high-altitude areas, such as houses made of stone, wood, and mud. Students gain insights into the materials used, construction techniques, and the reasons behind their design.
  4. Sustainable Practices: The chapter highlights the need for sustainable practices in mountain regions. It explores concepts like terrace farming, water conservation, and traditional methods of resource management that help communities thrive in these areas.
  5. Cultural Diversity: Students are encouraged to appreciate the rich cultural diversity found in mountain communities. They learn about the unique traditions, festivals, and lifestyles that are closely connected to the mountain environment.

Class 5 EVS Chapter 13 A Shelter so High! Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Chapter 13 A Shelter so High! Lesson Plan WORD formatLink

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 14 When the Earth Shook! Lesson Plan

The chapter “When the Earth Shook” teaches students about earthquakes, their causes, effects, and safety measures. It emphasizes preparedness, safety protocols like Drop, Cover, and Hold On, and highlights the importance of mitigation, rehabilitation, and personal/community readiness in response to earthquakes.

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Class 5 EVS Chapter 14 When the Earth Shook! Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 15 Blow Hot, Blow Cold Lesson Plan

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan

The chapter “Blow Hot, Blow Cold” introduces students to the concepts of hot and cold air, weather patterns, and their effects on our daily lives. It explores the properties of air, wind, and the role of the Sun in determining temperature variations.

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Class 5 EVS Chapter 15 Blow Hot, Blow Cold Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 16 Who will do this Work? Lesson Plan

The chapter “Who will do this Work” introduces students to the concept of division of labor and the importance of sharing responsibilities in different contexts. It highlights the significance of teamwork, gender equality, and valuing the contributions of individuals in various occupations.

Class 5 EVS Chapter 16 Who will do this Work? Lesson Plan WORD formatLink

Class 5 EVS Chapter 16 Who will do this Work? Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 17 Across the Wall Lesson Plan

The chapter “Across the Wall” explores the concept of boundaries and their impact on individuals and communities. It encourages students to think critically about the significance of unity, cooperation, and understanding in overcoming barriers, fostering peace, and promoting inclusivity among diverse cultures and societies.

Class 5 EVS Chapter 17 Across the Wall Lesson Plan WORD formatLink

Class 5 EVS Chapter 17 Across the Wall Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 18 No Place for Us? Lesson Plan

The chapter “No Place for Us?” delves into the topic of displacement and the challenges faced by people who are forced to leave their homes. It emphasizes empathy, understanding, and the importance of providing support and creating inclusive communities for those who have been displaced.

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Class 5 EVS Chapter 18 No Place for Us? Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 19 A Seed tells a Farmer’s Story Lesson Plan

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan

The chapter “A Seed tells a Farmer’s Story” introduces students to the journey of a seed and the role of farmers in agriculture. It explores concepts like sowing, germination, plant growth, and the efforts put in by farmers to ensure food production, emphasizing the importance of sustainable farming practices.

Class 5 EVS Chapter 19 A Seed tells a Farmer’s Story Lesson Plan WORD formatLink

Class 5 EVS Chapter 19 A Seed tells a Farmer’s Story Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 20 Whose Forests? Lesson Plan

The chapter “Whose Forests?” explores the significance of forests and the importance of their conservation. It raises awareness about the rights of indigenous communities, the threats faced by forests, and the need for sustainable practices to protect these valuable ecosystems for future generations.

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Class 5 EVS Chapter 20 Whose Forests? Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 21 Like Father, Like Daughter Lesson Plan

The chapter “Like Father, Like Daughter” highlights the importance of gender equality and challenges traditional gender roles. It encourages students to break stereotypes and pursue their passions, emphasizing that abilities and talents are not determined by gender, empowering them to follow their dreams and aspirations.

Class 5 EVS Chapter 21 Like Father, Like Daughter Lesson Plan WORD formatLink

Class 5 EVS Chapter 21 Like Father, Like Daughter Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan Chapter 22 On the Move Again Lesson Plan

Class 5 EVS Lesson Plan

The chapter “On the Move Again” explores the theme of migration and its impact on individuals and communities. It highlights the reasons for migration, the challenges faced by migrants, and the importance of empathy, inclusivity, and providing support to create a welcoming environment for those on the move.

Class 5 EVS Chapter 22 On the Move Again Lesson Plan WORD formatLink

Class 5 EVS Chapter 22 On the Move Again Lesson Plan PDF format – Link

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